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'Lil Rodeo Star

Sep 29, 2023Sep 29, 2023

Hunter Patton is only six years old, but he’s already roping, riding and mutton-busting with the best of them.

Hunter has more winning belt buckles already than most adult competitors ever collect, and he is currently forging a path to a bright future as a world-champion contender in the rodeo arena.

Hunter has won seven buckles and wowed the crowd and the judges alike at numerous events through the Southern Junior Rodeo Association (SJRA), where he won for stick-horse, mutton busting, barrel racing, goat un-decorating, goat tying, poles and all-around; the National Barrel Horse Association (NBHA), where he won for barrel racing; and the South Arkansas Cowboy Church Association (SACCA), where he showed out in barrel racing, mutton busting, poles, breakaway roping, goat tie-down and all-around.

He even won a buckle for his roping skills at a summer event that took place last month at Josey Ranch in Texas, so-named for legendary world-champion barrel racer, Martha Josey.

Hunter is currently running in the roping and riding youth association, the SJRA and for the Patton Ranch brand. Gary and Mandy Patton are Hunter’s proud parents and owners of Patton Ranch, located in Bismarck.

Between work on the ranch, rodeo competitions, Hunter’s involvement in 4-H and the family’s faithful attendance at CrossRoads Cowboy Church, Gary and Mandy are always busy but wouldn’t change a thing about their nonstop schedule, because they love every aspect of rodeo life.

“I grew up with horses and stuff. I didn’t ever do rodeo—the reason we got him into rodeo was because the way the world is now, like, nobody salutes the flag or prays anymore, and they do all that stuff in rodeo,” Mandy said. “It’s just a good, wholesome environment to have him around.”

Hunter has been riding since he could sit up straight, and roping since he was two years old, according to his mother. She and Gary were the ones who eagerly immersed him in this rodeo life before he could even walk.

“He’s doing pretty awesome at it,” Gary said. “This will be his third year, the season that starts in September.”

“He started out when we was younger doing stick-horse, where they run around the barrels on a stick horse, and then he also did goat ribbon pulling, where you gotta ride your horse down there and jump off your horse to get the ribbon,” Mandy said. “And he did barrels and poles then, too.”

Mandy said that now that Hunter is older, he’ll do calf roping and other more active cowboy pursuits. He’s already one mean mutton buster—the fearless way he takes to the sheep’s back and rides around the arena, holding on hands-free, is always as fun for the crowd as it is for the future rodeo star.

Fear never holds Hunter back, and neither does lack of ability. He picks up on the nuances of each skill and is a natural in the rodeo arena. All he needs to succeed on a larger scale is sponsors.

Mandy said Hunter needs corporate sponsors to help him continue his rodeo pursuits. His past wins are a sure sign that he’s a sure bet.

And Hunter is a well-rounded kid—not only does he know how to rope & ride, he knows how to entertain a crowd.

“He’s pretty funny. He did a dance routine and told jokes at the Josey Ranch when he went,” Mandy said.

Hunter is quite impressive in the rodeo arena, and a testament to the well-earned fruits of hard work and dedication. Those of you who would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities can reach out to the family via the “Patton Ranch” Facebook or Instagram pages. And be sure to check out their social media to witness some of Hunter’s awesome roping and wrangling skills.